Friday, February 27, 2009

I Dream on A World Without Prejudice

When there is a sexual harrassment case between a man and a woman..
Whom do you think the victim is?? I daresay that most of us will say the woman..
There is a prejudice..
(I had this question after watched this film)

When a very rich old man/woman married a lot younger woman/man..
What do you think about this?? I daresay there will be a lot of rumors linger around that the younger woman/man after the money in the marriage.
There is a prejudice..

When a criminal, after released from prison, come to you to look for job..
What will you do?? I daresay that most of us will reject the criminal..
There is a prejudice..

When you think about it, there is still a lot of prejudice on this earth. So, is this world without prejudice still a dream?? A dream perhaps and a long journey to achieve it. But, I think prejudice one of human nature way to simplify the way to look into the world; with prejudice, the world seems simpler. So how we can eliminate this prejudice?? With an open mind and heart, I will answer the question.

But is this prejudice a bad thing??

And will a world without prejudice be a better world??


Devi Girsang, MD said...

Prasangka itu wajar sebagai manusia, kecuali yg punya sixth sense yah.. Tapi klo dari contoh2 yg lo kasih itu mah bukan prejudice, tapi judgement. "Oh dia kan begini, dia kan begitu" istilahnya sama kayak "semut di seberang lautan keliatan, tapi gajah di pelupuk mata ga keliatan".

Klo masalah baik ato buruk, gw lebih pilih netral sih. Ga bisa disalahin soalnya, terutama prejudice yg berhubungan erat dengan insting. Klo ada orang asing ngajak kenalan, lo pasti bisa berpikiran "jangan2 ini orang mau hipnotis gw" ato bisa jadi "wahh ini orang ganteng banget, pasti kagum ama kecantikan/kegantengan gw" tergantung insting masing2.

Gw lebih berharap dunia lebih baik karena org2nya bijaksana, peduli sama orang lain ga cuma mikirin dirinya sendiri/keluarganya doank, dan cinta damai sehingga bisa terwujud perdamaian dunia.

Anonymous said...

"I daresay that most of us will say the woman..
There is a prejudice.."

Is that a prejudice when you said that 'there is a prejudice'?? :p

I guess there's no clear guideline to some certain things, including this one. We won't know what the best condition, with how much portion of prejudice to make life better. That should make life interesting.

To each and every case of life, we can depend on Him. That's wonderful, right?

Unknown said...

-> Devi:
Berprasangka boleh aja, asal digunakan dengan bijak dan tidak egois.. gitu bukan?? :)

-> Ira:
I would say that is a fact based on people's prejudice :P