Two days ago, when I had my hair cut, I went to music store, to browse new CDs and cassettes. My plan was to buy a CD, titled Spiral, by Hiromi Uehara. I'm really curious with her music. So, after postpone about three months, two days ago I decided to listen to her music first, and if her music suit my taste I would buy the CD. Anyway, this CD is imported one and the only one in the store. I gambled with my luck to postpone buying this CD. And my luck ran out for the CD had been sold two days ago.
But instead of Hiromi's CD, I found The Soul Sessions cd by Joss Stone. I really love her voice and music, so I switched my plan to buy The Soul Sessions. After browsing a while, I found another interesting CD, a Christmas album by Ella Fitzgerald. She is one of the legend jazz vocalist, though I rarely hear her song. Right now, I'm really tempted to buy this two CDs, but it will be over budget for me. And after watching "Mass in C Minor" concert yesterday, I have to think carefully if I want to buy these CDs. It seems that I have to meditate for a while.
Do you mean you are sorry to see -last Saturday - Mass in C Minor? I guess they were pretty good (, since I've never seen one before). For me. best sounds in the world comes in the form of choir.
haha nulisnya jadi sering pake bahasa inggris..ayo terus berlatih!
Wahh dee..gue sich pasti recommend Joss Stone..TOP abis euy..
kalo yang 2 laen nya emang ga pernah denger sich..hehe tapi yang pasti JOSS STONE ok banget..loe kalo demen album yang satu nya lagi..yang ini jug apasti demen:D
tapi mass in c minor is sooooo awesome! sejak minggu kemaren, gue udah pengen banget nyari kompilasi mozart kemana-mana! Huuu, i become a big fan of church classical music! Kalo uda dapet, bagi2 yak!
-> ira:
Haha... I'm not intended to say that Ra. I mean that I want buy the CDs, but it'll be overbudget for me. So I must rethinking about buying those CDs. It's pretty good really, altough there's few mistakes at the beginning. For me best sound in the world comes in any form, everything :)
-> ujay:
Hoho.. tapi Jay kalo dalam bahasa Inggris, kemampuan berekspresi gue sangat sedikit. Gue jauh lebih bisa berekspresi kalo paka bahasa Indonesia deh. Ayo terus berlatih juga....
-> lisiani:
Gue suka banget vokal dan jenis musiknya Joss Stone, soul banget lah. Iya nih.. gue pengen beli tapi anggaran gue sudah sangat terbatas. Yang Hiromi Uehara dah denger blon Chaa?? Yang gue kasih link-nya itu loh.. Ternyata dia keren juga loh :p
-> cathy:
Ini Cathy sapa ya?? Juniorku kah?? :D
Hehehe.. gue udah jadi penggemar Mozart sejak denger "Turkish March". Keren boo... Gue juga sering nonton konser musik klasik di TVRI tuh. Biasanya sekitar hari Jumat-Sabtu-Minggu, jam 23.00, suka ada konser musik klasik gitu. Keren banget lah :b
alo Adi..yup it's been a long time since the last time I checked in to your blog :D
Hm gw ga gtu ngerti musik sih, taunya denger doank hahahaha... at the moment I love to hear "All Good Things (Come to an End)" by Nelly Furtado but Joss Stone is cool and Ella Fitzgerald (who?) dunno..
Hallo juga Devi... haha.. gue juga ga segitu expert-nya dalam hal musik
Hmm.. Nelly Furtado yang lagu itu kayanya gue pernah liat clip-nya. Tapi lupa nih sama lagunya... udah jarang nonton TV sih :)
Wah, nulisnya bahasa inggris. Gw jadi susah ngerti.
Hehe, tapi gw ingin membahas mengenai membeli CDnya.. CD kok masih mahal ya?
Haha.. gue sedang memaksakan diri sering menulis pake bahasa Inggris. Lagian ada seseorang yang bilang (sapa tuh ya??) kalo gue lebih bagus nulis pake bahasa Inggris :p
Kenapa CD mahal ya?? Pertama, bikin lagu tuh susah, alias ngga gampang. Kedua, mungkin ongkos produksi CD tuh memang mahal :D
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