Friday, June 06, 2008

The Queen

There is a new kid on the block.. and she has been around here for 5 months. She is a queen, a queen that is very demanding and wants all things for herself. She is still a kid and she live in my house. Meet Queeny von Caustri (nickname: Yin-Yin).

It is impolite to ask for a lady age, moreover for a queen, but I can tell that she is around 7 months old.. hehehe.. This is my revenge for the earlier time she stayed in my house (it was a hell of time). Raising a puppy has a lot of similarities with raising a human baby but fewer complexes.. it has been confirmed to my mother. Not to tell that owning a Shih Tzu means a lot of time used for grooming everyday, but it is paid with her cuteness anyway.

She is cute, she sometimes becomes a disturbance with her barking late at night, she sometimes becomes angry with some unknown reasons, and she is a good companion. Well.. what can I tell more?? I love her so much and so do my family. Let's enjoy the time we stay together, Yin.

FYI: Yin-Yin owner is my brother :)

Lazy Day - At my House

Taken at 13th May 2008
After grooming session at a pet shop

Series of "The Queen"





Taken at 23th May 2008
After grooming session at my house


Brahmasta said...

Wow, she's cute.

Anonymous said...

waaaaa, lucu bangeeettttzzz. si yinyin ya? enak ga? *batak mode
lucuuuu.. moga2 akhir minggu ini bisa ke bandung liat anjing lu. he2

Lisiani said...

huaixxx...lucu beratt...
kalo ilank, mungkin tau mesti cari kmana dee;p

Unknown said...

-> brahmasta:

-> udahmabok:
Kayanya enak sih.. bisa kita coba kayanya.. hihihi..

-> lisiani:
Dasar Anda penjahat >:)

Unknown said...

wow ..

have mercy!!

she's such a gorgeous queen...
can u arrange us a meeting? :x

Unknown said...

Bang ygints.. sure you have the mercy my friend :D

Ehehe.. I can arrange you a meeting, but I'm worried about something common between you and the person at second comment, the "batak mode on" khehehehe..

Devi Girsang, MD said...

No more updates, Dee?

Anonymous said...

lutuu bangeeetttttt...=P

Unknown said...

Terima kasih udah mampir, tapi ini siapa ya?? Haha.. perasaan kayanya kenal nih :P