Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Friend Prayer

I hope things run more smooth than they were before..

hope you're given the power to think and to dream BIG,
to stay positive,
to maximize your potential..

Reach the dreams!

For I'm sure God has armed you well enough..

It's just a matter of willingness and time :)

Side note:
As the title said, this is not my writing but a friend of mine (for you who wrote it.. and want to be credited in this post, just contact me personally, OK??). I just edited one word and gave some space. Apart from those, I didn't do any correction, so please forgive my friend if there are any mistake (in my opinion though, there is at least one grammatical mistake :D hehe..). And for this certain friend, I'm feeling deeply gratitude to you, and of course you made my day today.

Sub side note:
Anyway, when I was searching for an image for this post, I stumbled on a really cute picture (see here and here). But unfortunately I didn't find any to my liking for this post. But, oh come on, didn't it really cute??


Anonymous said...

tak kusangka..
gw kira lo cuma memandang doa gw sblh mata, soalnya balesan sms lo menunjukkan demikian..
haha sorry for the grammatical baad!!

nice pics anyway! :)

heyy, jangan lupa! teman akan selalu ada dalam suka terlebih dalam duka..n i'm glad to be your friend n_n

Anonymous said...

harusnya 'smoother' kaya 'sweetest' ya? akh gw kemaren cpt2 aja jd milih pake 'more' hehe..


Unknown said...

-> anonymous:
Ah.. jadinya ga perlu kredit?? Haha.. masih blum bisa ngebedain antara gue becanda ato ga ya?? Trima kasih sekali lagi, dan suatu kehormatan juga punya teman seperti lo.