Friday, October 05, 2007

October 5th is World Teachers Day

I get CodeProject daily news today and just know that today is World Teacher Day. The CodeProject daily news point to Teacher Appreciation link and from Google search, the top result is this link. Go to these two links to get more information about World Teacher Day. Anyway I want to give a lot of gratitude to all of my teachers, in my entire life till now and even then. Without them, I maybe can't typing this post right now. Thank you for everything.

There are a lot of teachers in my life already, but not that much that inspire me. And if I have to point just one teacher, the most inspiring teacher, I will point my Geographic teacher, Miss Anna Mey in my senior high school. She taught me just in the first year (the 10th grade). My first impression about her was kind, funny, and energetic. And she is still like that now. After the first year, in second and third year we still contact each other. It was not a rare opportunity to talk with her, even if she came to school just in Friday and Saturday. Because she usually joined in every event in my school.

There are lot of things about her that inspire me. But one that I remember very clearly in my mind is her lesson about the importance of doing everything whole-heartedly. Sometime in the past, after I began my undergraduate student life, I experienced lack of motivation in this college life. And I talked to her about this matter. She said to me that she always tried to do her best in everything she had to do, even if she didn't have a lot of potential. Then she point me that I have a lot of potential and it was really a shame to waste it. I told her that it was not that simple. But again she said it was just as simple as "do everything whole-heartedly, even if you feel that you can't do it". Maybe that was not so great, but from the way she told me, I had to admit that I was stupid and just wasted my life. Thank to her I began to do everything whole heartedly, not just in action but also in my heart. Thank to her that I do not have many regrets.
Thank to her that I have take a better step in my life.

“The mediocre teacher tells.
The good teacher explains.
The superior teacher demonstrates.
The great teacher inspires.”

William Arthur Ward


Devi Girsang, MD said...

dee thanks yah buat greetingsnya! *sori nih oot*

Unknown said...

-> devi:
Terima kasih kembali.. Tapi greeting apa ya Dev?? :P

Credo said...

Waw.. Masih kontak2an intens dengan guru pas sekolah dulu? That's great!

Aku cuma kontak2an dengan beberapa guru aja, dan paling2 lewat sms (emang jarang pulang ke Pekanbaru jg sih)

Unknown said...

-> credo:
Hehe.. sama ini juga cuma SMS doang, kadang-kadang telepon juga sih ato berkunjung ke sekolah. Eh dah lama tak berkunjung nih.. Saatnya berkunjung..