The contest is called Project Shutter. There are 3 category for the contest: food, culture, and architecture. To join this contest, every participant must submit 3 photos in any of the categories. And I submit 2 photos for architecture category and another one in culture category. Unfortunately I didn't make it to the 9 top finalist, but it's alright. This is my very first time in a photography contest anyway. It was really tiring hunting the pictures for this contest, but it was really fun. Anyway, to hunt pictures you must love to walk for a long time. Hehe.. I even took a walk or ride a bicycle till around 12 p.m. to take the pictures.
I couldn't participate in this contest if I had not received any help from my friends. So I would like to give a ton thanks to:
- God to give me a good health, protect me always, and for everything in my life.
- My family (that always wondered how late I get back to home) to give me the encouragement.
- Audi to let me know about this contest.
- Ujay to lend me her brother DSLR camera, give me the spirit, and help me to choose pictures to be submitted.
- Pendy to help me during submission time and lend me his internet connection.
Night Live - Savoy Homann Hotel, Bandung
Taken at 12th July 2007
Submitted in architecture category
Reflections - At my Campus
Submitted in architecture category
Reflections - At my Campus
Taken at 14th July 2007
Submitted in architecture category
Rehearsal - At my Campus
Submitted in architecture category
Rehearsal - At my Campus
Taken at 14th July 2007
Submitted in culture category
I wanted the caption to be "Spirit of Rehearsal", but because the limit of the caption I just give "Rehearsal" to be the caption
Submitted in culture category
I wanted the caption to be "Spirit of Rehearsal", but because the limit of the caption I just give "Rehearsal" to be the caption
And here are the other pictures that I considered to be submitted:
The Tranquility - Cathedral, Bandung
Taken at 14th July 2007
Call for The Prayer - At Jalan Wastu Kencana, Bandung
Call for The Prayer - At Jalan Wastu Kencana, Bandung
Taken at 14th July 2007
Twin Tower - Mesjid Agung Bandung, Bandung
Twin Tower - Mesjid Agung Bandung, Bandung
Taken at 12th July 2007
Mirror Image - At my Campus
Mirror Image - At my Campus
Taken at 14th July 2007
Welcome.. - Cihampelas Walk, Bandung
Welcome.. - Cihampelas Walk, Bandung
Taken at 12th July 2007
Work and Chat - At Jalan Setia Budhi, Bandung
Work and Chat - At Jalan Setia Budhi, Bandung
Taken at 13th July 2007
The Rehearsal - At my Campus
The Rehearsal - At my Campus
Taken at 14th July 2007
Bamboo Dragon - Jalan Braga, Bandung
Bamboo Dragon - Jalan Braga, Bandung

Taken 29th December 2006
It's a dragon create from bamboo in Braga Festival II event. I have posted it in this link.
Blow it Away - Jalan Taman Sari,
Taken at 13th July 2007
Updated - 28th September 2007:
Added Pendy to the credit list. Well I forget it for almost 2 months. Forgive me friend :P
Sayang km gak masukin sy buat jadi modelnya. Sy menerima pose apapun kok. Hwahaha...
Alo alo berkunjung boleh ya :D.
Suka yang itu deh. Reflections! Kali ini blum menang? Ga apa2,,masih banyak lomba2 yg lainnya kan? ;)
-> dibond:
Wahaha.. tumben lo muji Bon :P hehe.. OK Bon, laen kali gue foto lo deh kalo lagi butuh pose aneh. Eh, kalo pose b***l lo terima juga kan... khekhekhekhekhekhekhe...
-> abie:
Tentu boleh :) hehe.. makasih ya..
Wah.. maptep permulaan yang baik.. sukses ya padakesempatan berikutnya :D
sometimes a picture can say more than just sentences.
thus i like putting lots of images in my blogs ^^
nice to know ur blog, sir..
-> santus:
Terima kasih the great :D
-> puspa-sirius:
Nice to have your visit too..
The picture you have taken is very nice, I really like about the picture of dragon on jl Braga, remind me like ogoh ogoh in Bali before nyepi.
love your shot! ^^ wonderful! keep on a good work!
-> bali hotels:
Thanks a lot. Ogoh ogoh?? Oh.. I don't know that. Time for a little googling then.
-> mia:
Thank you.. anyway I have pay a visit to your blog :D
Di, kok beberapa foto ada yg kabur? Itu disengaja ya coi?
-> oranculun:
Yups.. seperti itulah Do.
Wow fofotny keren"!!!
Tp foto yg seperti ituh blum jd juara jg???
Wew juarany kaya apa y fotony... saya suka foto yg reflections ituh deh!!!Ama yg org maen gendang"....
-> gerrychristian:
Yang juara lebih bagus lagi fotonya loh. Hehe.. emang kurang pengalaman ama persiapan sih. Terima kasih ya..
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