Anyway, I have read somewhere (maybe from a comic) that a male movie director can fall in love with the female leading character because he often views and sees her acting in front of the camera. Can you believe it?? I don't know if I experience the same thing. But, so many times I have taken photos and viewed the world from the camera viewfinder (err... in my digicam it just a LCD screen :P) and I fall in love with some objects and subjects which I have taken the pictures. Recently I have taken a lot of people pictures and I really like one person when I view her from my digicam. It is not a kind of love or like that you want him/her to be your partner in life. I just really like to take her picture. Haha... anyway it just a rambling from my photography side. Maybe someday I will tell her about this.
Anyway, here are some photos I've taken a while ago. Enjoy!!
Peaceful - At My House
Taken at 2nd May 2007
She is maybe a stray cat or one of my neighbours cat. She visits my house very often just for asking food or playing around with my family. The way she slept was so peaceful, wasn't it?? By the way, this was maybe on her mind on that time: "I'm full, so it's time to take a good sleep."
Waiting The Moon Rise
Ooh, itu kucing yang kamu bilang sama imutnya kaya saya ya? Ahuuu..., jadi malu.
eh mau dong yang gambar "Waiting The Moon Rise"
ada versi wallpapernya gak?
gw tau siapa yang lo maksud dengan "her"! donna kan?? ya ampuun..mending cepetan, buruan, bergegas deh lo kasih tau dia! biar dia seneng fansnya nambah atu.. xp
-> dibond:
Sepertinya gue bilang: "kucingnya lebih imut dan lucu daripada dibon" deh..
-> petra:
Tinggal resize doang kok. Ntar ditagih aja ya.
-> curlyme:
Lo pasti kaget kalo tau "her" itu menunjuk ke siapa :D
Eh keren foto-fotonya di..
Ajarin moto dong..
gue demen foto2 alam nyaa...
huxx dicompile?
pinjem kamera nya dungs... :)
-> brahmasta:
Makasih Bram. Gue mau aja ngajarin kalo emang ada yang bisa diajarin :P hehehe.. Menurut gue sih ga ada teori pasti tentang foto-foto, yang terpenting perbanyak "jam terbang" aja Bram.
-> lisiani:
Mau Chaa??
-> setiadi:
Boleh Bos.. Tapi tertular virus bisnis Nyai di Buku Angkatan, ada biaya sewanya loh :P
temen satu ngidam :
pengen juga bu, mana yang prosumer gw dah jadi milik orang lain hiks
kapan bisa dapetin ya tuh kamera...
Great job, esp the angle shot of the cat! Love it ;)
adiii...tentuuu saja mauuuuu:)
btw kapan tah kita meningkatkan ilmu kita?;p *ilmu obrolan ga jelas dan jurus pengalihan perhatian;p*
-> febrian:
Yoi, Feb... Kita bakal beli ntar kalo dah kerja Feb. Trus kita hunting foto bareng Feb :D
-> devi:
Thanks Dev :)
-> lisiani:
Akan segera dikirim Cha. Hehe.. ayo.. ayo.. segera kita tingkatkan ilmu kita.
>> dee & curlyme
Di, saya tau kok kalo 'her'nya itu sy. Sy emg ngegemesin bgt di foto, i'm so guilty being too cute. Haheem...
-> dibond:
Yeah.. you wish Bon :P
suka yang mirror image....ehehehehe...walo ntah knp berkesan lebih tingggiiiii dr biasanya...
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