Trisum - At my Campus

Taken at 8th September 2006
This photo and "Trisum" are especially taken for Lisiani. She said that she wants the tree with these yellow flowers. *grin*
White Tree - At my Campus

Taken at 8th September 2006
When you look a little closer at the tree in "White Tree" picture, you will see that the flowers are mixture from purple to white colours. It seems that the flower has a violet colour when it blooms and growing to paler colour to white when it reach full bloom.
Contrast - At my Campus

Taken at 8th September 2006
When the right tree almost has no leafs, the left one has a lot of promise with so many flowers blooming.
Death and Life - At my Campus

Taken at 8th September 2006
When there is death, a full promising life also walk into the world.
Violet Flower - At my Campus

Taken at 8th September 2006
It seems that these flowers are the same kind with ones in "Closer to The White Tree". I took those two pictures at different trees.
Full of Life - At my Campus
Huaaaaa tenkiuuu deee..
Setelah ngeliat foto loe yang bunga perpaduan putih ungu..n bunga violet..
Koq bagus2 semua tohhhh hixxxxxx
best comment: "When there is death, a full promising life also walk into the world."
ohoho.. like it very much
Two thumbs up lah !
Gw ngeliat gambar2 itu kayak yang bukan di kampus ajah.
Keren booow ...
-> lisiani:
Hihi.. jadi mau semua bunganyakah?? :P
Eh udah ada dua temen gue yang bilang langsung ke gue: "Loh kok fotonya bunga semua??" Emang aneh ya kalo cowo suka sama bunga?? (penasaran aja...)
-> Ira:
Thank you Ra...
"Inspiration never come because it is never leave. Inspiration always there in the world."
Quoted from Pongki "Jikustik"
Nggak, kok ...
Kalo cowok suka bunga berarti dia ... uhm ... ya suka bunga. Hueheuheu ...
Biasa aja lagih. Cewek yang suka maen robot2an juga bukan berarti abnormal toh ? ;))
-> Lely:
Makasih Lel. Hehe.. lo mencari pembenaran buat diri lo sendiri ya Lel?? Suka maen robot-robotan Lel?? ;))
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